
Sunday, April 14, 2013


Yes, that is a true headline. Here is an example of the perpetrator. 
So take it seriously - very seriously!

The detailed story follows the latest weather conditions around here.

......not looking too shabby.

And first, some funny workplace notes.

someone whited-out a few of the words in this note below

borrowed from Happy Place...check it out for yourselves!!!
I left a couple behind which you haven't seen.

Now on a serious (?) note, the main story.

A man was killed by a beaver (huh) in Belarus/Белорус

From Toronto Sun:

A horrific death involving a beaver attack has been reported in Belarus and a video was posted online from Russia of another man being attacked by a beaver.
The Belarus man was on his way to a lake with some friends when, according to a report by the U.K. Telegram, they spotted one of the normally gentle animals on the side of a road and attempted to take a photo.
According to the U.K. Telegraph report the fisherman was bitten in the thigh several times - severing an artery. Although first aid was administered and an ambulance called the man died from blood loss. A recent unrelated video was also posted to YouTube involving a beaver attack.
Beavers are extremely powerful, using their teeth to cut down trees to build massive dams.
At this time of year young beavers are looking for new territories could be aggressive towards potential rivals.

What a way to go!....Дедушка убил бобра!!!  
(Grandpa was killed by a beaver)


Here is a video of a beaver attack....I don't think it is of the same incident, but of another....(I guess there is a rash of beaver attacks at this time of year)


Who would have thought that those little slugs had it in them???
Be careful out there, and always, always, have a walking stick!!!

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