
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Scary Halloween Costumes from the Past

Autumn pond in Moscow (Oct)

Before we begin the main post, this video
is just too funny to pass by.

Ha Ha 
- looks like you said the wrong thing sucker! I would hit her too, if I was the cat.
How annoying!


Some Halloween costumes from/out of yesterday ....  's nightmares

Murderous ET and friends

Mama! Mama! ( Michael Meyers in his early years )


Hey! this kid below, looks like  Barrel  of  "Lock Shock and Barrel" -the fat one  from "Nightmare Before Christmas" 

" Kidnap the Sandy Claus"



Hey buddy! Ya got an extra cigarette?

"I daresay old boy - which way to the outhouse? I have to crunch out a big turd"

Thanks To:

  • eBaumsWorld
  • Ned (Oct 10 2013)
  • DisneyWiki
  • YouTube
  • Google Images ( of course! )

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