
Saturday, April 12, 2014

Amazing Brick-eating Man!!!

"The amazing Brick-eating Man!!!"

Pakkirappa Hunagundi from Karnataka India, has been eating mud and at least one brick a day, for most of his life ( since the age of 10 )
Now 30 years old, he says: "I will eat it because it is my habit. I need it everyday. I can't stop."
Much to the consternation of his friends and family, Pakkirappa consumes several kilograms ( up to 3 ) of mud, as well as the daily brick.
Pakkirappa's condition is known as: Pica.....
.....which is an ailment, causing the afflicted to eat inedible substances with little or no nutritional value.

Pretty strange stuff, but honestly, I do find it strangely appealing to watch him, as he quietly munches away on the bricks and rocks and dirt...... :) 
Apparently, so do all the other people who pay to see him do it.

Good for Pakkirappa - I say!

heh heh
- a few of the YouTube comments:

  • "he'll shit bricks"
  • "he's eating them out of house and home, literally"
  • "one could say that he's stoned all day"

Thanks To:

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