
Thursday, March 28, 2013

Broken Hearted at the Mall

I am at the food court in the mall, writing with my laptop, when I see a girl 17 - 18 y.o. seated a couple tables away, sobbing profusely.

Obviously a broken heart.

She cries as she continues to send/receive phone texts; sometimes crying more, sometimes less; but always crying.

First, a male security guard (who I think resembles Lurch from the Adams Family) walks up and asks if she is alright. She nods and he goes back to his patrol. I go get some napkins from a nearby food kiosk and put them at her table placing a hand on her back. I go back to my table. Moments later, a male customer emerges from a nearby Starbucks and also puts a stack of napkins at her table, walking away without a word.

Still, the girl cries and texts.

A different security guard this time, puts a pretty green package of Kleenex at her table, asks if she is alright and leaves. The food court is busy, with lots of people, but there are no embarrassing crowds around her, neither are there any, what I would call "do gooders" -doing good with no feeling behind it (and annoying as hell to watch).

A barista from the same Starbucks brings to her a single flower.

In time, an attractive woman -cougarish (as I don't like the MILF term) talks to her, hugs her, talks a little more, hugs her again and leaves.

I think that there may have been even more people than all of this - who have recognized the girl's grief and reached out.

Eventually, she is composed.
The tears have run out for now.

She puts on some sunglasses and leaves.

I do not feel that anybody has made her feel ashamed or uncomfortable during the time that she was at the table. (hr)

Hopefully, there was enough love projected onto her, that it will help her to heal; that it should prevent her from doing any harm to herself; and that she is a stronger person, than what she was, before she sat down.

I feel sad for her....

.....but I am also proud to be part of such a caring society.

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