
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Let's Scare Jessica to Death

"Let's Scare Jessica to Death"(1971) an eerie little tale about a woman - Jessica, who has recently recovered from a nervous breakdown.
Together with her husband -Duncan, have purchased a farm house on Brookfield Island, Connecticut, where they will be seeking rest from the New York City rat race.

Clammy, creepy and dreary - what a lovely house!
Their hippy friend -Woody ( and what else could he be named? - I ask ) comes along, because.... well.... this is the early '70's and friends, sharing with  friends, is what you do! 

Oh! - their ride just happens to be a big, black hearse; which is not really weird, I guess.....considering how weird the three already are.

They embark on a lovely, melancholy drive, through the beautiful New England country, to find their new haunts home.

 ...... Jessica has a hobby known as: Tombstone Rubbing ( making prints with rice paper, off of interesting gravestones ), so they do make the odd stop along the way....

This is just soo relaxing!
Upon arriving at their new property, they find that a red-haired drifter, by the name of Emily, is living in the house.

Duncan(L) Emily(C) Woody(C) Jessica(R)

Of course, everything really starts to get weird (er) from this point on.
"Let's Scare Jessica to Death"

Rated by the Chicago Film Critics' Association as #87 of The Top 100 Horror Films of all Time
Let's Scare Jessica to Death is an unusual and thoughtful horror movie. Guaranteed to give the viewer at least a chill or three....

Thanks To:
  • Wikipedia
  • YouTube
  • Google Images

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