
Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Elves Delay Road

The elves of Iceland are responsible  -partially-  for the stalling of a road project, from the **Alftanes Peninsula** to a suburb in the city of ***Reykjavik***




.....or in the ****BIG PICTURE**** of things.......

****from there to there****

Actually, it is not the elves who are responsible, but rather an Icelandic environmental organization known as Friends of Lava, who claim that the area where the road is being pushed through, is a nesting ground for local wildlife. Some ♫♫ Elf Advocates ♫♫ have jumped on-board; clamoring that there is also an Elven Church -and it will be destroyed by the road. ( hmmm....sounds like they are advocates of something else as well...teh heh )
  • A recent police sketch of Icelandic Elf 

"Yeah..... like.... bug off dudes... build your road....uhh ....down the road!"

These combined forces of environmentalist and pro-elvers, have organized daily protests, hindering construction.

******* BREAKING***NEWS********** 

A case has now been filed by the Friends of Lavain the Supreme Court of Iceland, and the court has ordered all work to cease until the matter is properly investigated.

Always an intriguing place and people, I have featured other news about Iceland before. 

See the previous posts:


teenagers on the ice in Reykjavik area -not elves

Thanks To:

  • The Independent UK (Dec 23 2013)
  • Sidney Morning Herald (Dec 23 2013)
  • Google Image

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