
Saturday, February 22, 2014

Kiss Cam Strikes out!!!

Well here on the West Coast, it is snowing today! Not really a big deal, but considering that it is almost March!!! I, for one, feel that it is time for winter to end! That being said, let us proceed with yet another fun-filled posting, featuring the strange and unusual...

This good looking couple are a perfect match attending the Minnesota Gopher's Valentine's Day Hockey game....Now, the way things work are: the "kiss-cam" travels the crowd and if it rests upon you and your's, you must kiss each other...right!(?)....well, maybe just wait and see what happens in this case...

The kiss cam strikes out!
.......which really, is quite a shame because the girl is hot and VERY kissable!!! 
VERY! :)))


Cute little Russian raccoon/енот popping bubble wrap...what a sweetie! 


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