
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The Growl of a Rabbit/Diver Removes Hook From Dolphin's Fin

Sort of a dual posting today...both to do with animals, yet different in their focus. 

Let's begin the post with an adorable video titled:

"The Growl of a Rabbit "

In it, we see how the sweet ( not tasty sweet! - just sweet! - as in: "what a nice rabbit!" ) -rabbit shows displeasure when not being pet, or when not receiving ALL OF IT'S OWNER'S ATTENTION - too cute!

Did the rabbit's growl frighten you - or what? 


For the second half of the post, and with a far more serious tone; we follow a group of scuba divers....doing whatever it is which divers do????? ..... exploring....yeah - that's what they do! - exploring the ocean, when suddenly a bottlenose dolphin swims up to them, asking - YES ASKING!!! for help.

The ensuing scene, is both riveting and touching; as heroic diver Keller Laros

"Man of Steel"

 - removes a nasty hook and fishing line from the poor dolphin's fin.

A fascinating video to see:

Good thing the divers were there to help! - but the scene is Eerily similar to what occurred in the previous posting featuring Cristina Zenato aka "The Shark Whisperer",

Cristina & gang

in which she saves one of her friendly(?), shark-pet below for this incredible posting!

Thanks To:
  • YouTube
  • Google Images

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