
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Incredible Dobri/Невероятный Добри

very incredible story is the one of the 98 y.o.(!!!) beggar known as:
Grandpa  Dobri/Дедушка Добри

he's the old one
He walks 10 kms. everyday, from his home in the village of Bailovo, to the great St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral/ Александро-Невского собора in Sofia, Bulgaria.

Here he stands with a tin box and talks to anyone that visits....
....but it turns out that Dobri is a very likable fellow and many people will come to give him money just because of this.

.......otherwise he will spend the day in silence.

Look at that mug, how can you turn him down?
Yes what is the point, you may be thinking?
There is nothing out of the ordinary here....this scene can be found anywhere.


Back in 2010, during the making of a documentary about the cathedral, a journalist made a discovery.
Looking through the church's archives, the reporter found that the largest donation ever made by an individual -20,000 euros (over 25,000 usd) - was made by none other, than the old Dobri!

Dobri had never spoken a word about it to anyone.
Suddenly, people became aware that this was not just any beggar.

A few came forward with stories.

A worker at a local orphanage said that when the orphanage was going to have it's power shut off for not being able to pay the electric bill, Dobri paid it.

And apparently, he's also helped the homeless staying at shelters.

Everybody is certain that there have been other good deeds, but Dobri will not talk of such things.

He lives on a pension of 100 euros/month and what food is donated to him. He makes his own clothes and footwear and wears them throughout the year.

The money he begs is not for him.

He has never spent a single euro of it for his own needs.

Big thanks/большое спасибо  to the following:

We Are Humanity


  • EndoRiot

  • Google Images
  • Grandpa Dobri/Дедушка Добри

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