
Saturday, August 17, 2013

Young Orca Rescued

Off the coast of Vancouver Island ( remember where that is? ). hint -The same place where a seal fought a battle of live or death against a wicked octopus.

A young "teenage" Killer Whale, was rescued. He had found himself trapped in a bottle-shaped inlet, named Weeteam Bay and was scared to exit through it's narrow entrance.

The heroic staff from the Vancouver Aquarium and Department of Fisheries, determined that the whale (actually dolphin) was suffering from malnutrition. They had first noticed him 3 weeks ago, and had been keeping a watchful eye on him ever since.

A slight depression behind the blow-hole is an indicator of such and a very big PLUS - his stomach was growling!!! ( that part is a lie; I added that )

The whale rescuers lured the young lad out through the opening and off to the wide open sea, by playing whale songs recorded in the 1960's. ( That is also a lie ).

Actually, they played whale sounds which drew him out of the "bottle-like trap" and alongside their boat - Skana. At which point, he did a "porpoise" ( WTF??? I'm assuming that means, he did a "Free-Willy EPIC"
jump out of the water "hey you guys rock!!! -for humans -thanks!!!" ); and swam off into the sunset.

Thus ends this posting....

My rendition of the jump:

thanks to ( for showing me how to draw a Killer Whale)

Thanks To: 
  • The Province (Aug 16 )
Be safe and happy.

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