
Saturday, February 1, 2014


Yuri Nikulin the great Russian clown in "Bootleggers/Самогонщики" ( 1961 )

Yuri Nikulin as Fool (L)
Yevgeny Morgunov as Experienced/Crafty (R)

Georgy Vistyn as Coward (M)

                                                      The boys are at it again! 

This time they are in the moonshine business. 
See the simplistic beauty of how the movie unfolds. 
It's everyday life folks! ...even if the boys don't exactly follow "normal" Russian/Soviet protocol.                                                                
                                                            They are REAL!

The scenes impart upon the viewers the feelings of actually being right there with the boys and their wonderful mannerisms, silly logic(?) 

Maybe go check out the earlier posting featuring these three criminal masterminds:

The master fool!!!!!

Now our "Modern Times" have changed the way people they feel. It has changed the ways movies are made.....and not always for the better. 
 This older Soviet film is like a breath of fresh air.  

Off they go....again for a "time out"

                                                        I just love it!!!!

Thanks To:

  • Google Images
  • Wikipedia

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