
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The Importance of Feelings

Transgender woman Rohit Singh and her then fiance - Colin Peace, went into Jenny's Bridal Boutique of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, back in April; in order to try on wedding dresses.
However, they were not allowed to try on any of the dresses, because Rohit is a man.....

An upset Rohit filed a discrimination complaint against the bridal shop, went public with the incident and gained National attention and support.

Recently, the Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission determined that the boutique "infringed Section 12 of The Saskatchewan Human Rights Code by denying a transgender          woman service"                                                                                                 

Now, the commission has mediated a settlement between Rohit and Jenny's Bridal Boutique, in which:

  • Jenny's Bridal Boutique has apologized in a letter to Singh-Peace and also paid $1000 to a charity of his choice. ( The money was donated to: Avenue Community Center for Gender and Sexual Diversity and Aids Saskatoon - $500 to each charity )

So as I see it, nobody has really lost here.

  • For the $1000 Jenny's Bridal Boutique paid, it has received more recognition i.e. advertising, than it EVER would have -in a lifetime; and they have probably -hopefully-  learned a lesson about the importance of NOT hurting people's feelings. 
  • The Singh-Peace side, although initially humiliated, have brought to light an unfair situation which others face because of their race or sexual orientation. Through perseverance, they carried the day and were victorious in court. 

...but I do wonder if they ended up getting a good deal on a dress?

Human rights settlement reached between transgender bride, Saskatoon boutique

-the two were married in a Unitarian Congregation of Saskatoon service April 29th

Well it may not be my vision of Good O' Canada oh really? - Yes Oh really you dumb-ass!!! ), but too bad I guess, as - for the most part  we are all treated pretty good here..... vision is more along these curves lines:

or even ................

 look at the cute little fox!!!!

...............well I think I better close the post now.

Thanks To:

  • Regina Leader-Post ( Sep 11 2013 )
  • VancouverDesi ( The Province Sep 15th 2013 )

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