
Saturday, May 3, 2014

Heroes of the Day

This pensioner seemed a little confused as to what he should do, upon finding himself trapped in the middle of a busy street. Suddenly out of the traffic, a passing motorcyclist appears and escorts the old boy to safety. 

Good work motorcyclist!!!

We should always try to help out those with legitimate need. For some more of the many good deeds which occur on the Russian roads, see: Russian Road News

 Onto our next story:

MMA Fighter  Cathal Pendred was at the beach in County Clare, Ireland when he saw a young dolphin in serious trouble, foundering in shallow water. Doing what he knew was the best thing to do, Cathal waded out to the dolphin and carried it out to deeper water.

  he kind of looks like ***Stone Cold Steve Austin***  

He then released it. 

Sadly, the local Irish Whale and Dolphin Group later reported, that the wee little dolphin, had washed back ashore....dead. :( 

***see what I mean***

If this story has left you feeling sad and dejected, and yearning for a happy, feel-good ending involving aquatic life, then check out my previous popular post: Young Orca Rescued

It should cheer you up! :)

Thanks To:

  • YouTube

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