
Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Interesting Animal Videos

A few light videos featuring our animal friends.

Cute video featuring a curious seal checking out some divers and getting a belly rub in the process!
Soooo cute


Here is a pair of cats known as Spider cats... (or lucky-but-dumb cats).

                   Why do they feel compelled to do that in the first place? Cats are really strange/weird!

Now this one should melt a few hearts. Xiaose is a stray dog that traveled 1700 kilometers with some cyclists, after one of them showed the little fellow some kindness and gave him something to eat. Watch the video for all the exciting details!

Why would it be such a major decision whether or not to adopt him? Why make him run a fricken marathon first?!!!! He's soooo damn cute! :))))

Thanks To:

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