
Saturday, September 14, 2013

More Games

Yes! Let's do it again!

(:  (:  (:  (:  (:

Who does this look like?

Yes yes I know!!! ....but let's take a closer look at what she is actually made of....

Ha ha - not so scary now.

Do you see the ghost face in this old photograph? 

.....but tell me - why were the Victorians so obsessed with death? 

 This is a cool video:

and below, is the illusion known as 
The Rotating Snake Illusion
not a crowd-pleaser in my books ( ow my eyeballs! ), but ...... 

.......look at this cat getting fooled by it.

What a sucker-cat!


This is a completely untouched photo of French soccer player Mathieu Valbuena. He is actually 5'6" tall, but because he is leaning so far back, combined with the angle of where the camera snapped the photo, makes him appear much shorter!


A favorite of mine:
"When you see it"....
-don't worry there will not be any ***Flash Screamers*** as I hate those #*!*ing things!!!






If you are still hungry for more games see the previous post:

definition: nasty little booby traps that scare the s#i* out of you....if you need more information check out this one: Go to Bed   ***

Thanks To:
  • Google Images
  • YouTube

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