
Monday, March 31, 2014

Battle of Shiloh

In the spring of 1862, during the American Civil War, the first major clash of the Western Theater occurred. In the area known as Pittsburgh Landing - a river landing point, in South-western Tennessee. Ironically, not far away from a small log church named after the Hebrew word for "place of peace"  


It was here at Shiloh, that the Union troops, advancing after a series of lop-sided victories over the Confederates, would be nearly thrown back into the Tennessee River and destroyed by this same foe thought to be impotent and defeated. 

Ulysses Simpson Grant the commander of the opposing Union soldiers.
Slovenly-looking (as usual) and probably suffering from a hang-over due to a previous night's drinking. 

A military genius
Was to become the modern world's first TOTAL WAR general. It would be largely due to Grant's and his able lieutenant William T. Sherman's leadership, that would eventually destroy the Confederacy. But that was years away and Grant was still learning his deadly trade.

In early April, Grant's Army of The Tennessee was encamped close to Pittsburgh Landing. They were waiting for reinforcements from a second Union army - The Army of The Ohio, before they continued their advance. 
Grant showed little concern of possible attack by the enemy. His army's formations were loosely scattered at rest, no entrenchments in place, and very few patrols operating to provide early warning.

Grant sent this telegraph to his superior General Halleck on the evening of April 5th:

"I have scarcely the faintest idea of an attack being made upon us, but will be prepared should such a thing take place."

Sadly for Grant and his forces, they were about to meet Confederate general Albert Sidney Johnston and his newly assembled Army of Mississippi which was hastily rushing up through the woods south of the Union camp.

Here he is, photographed in a pre civil war, USA military uniform
Albert Sidney Johnston was the highest ranking general of the Confederacy (#1) - even outranking Robert E. Lee (#2)


The riveting video of the bloody two day Battle of Shiloh (April 6-7 1862) fought between the armed forces of the United States of America (The Union) and the Confederate States of America (The Confederacy) during the American Civil War (1861-1865).


An iconic moment from the battle, as the formidable Albert Sidney Johnston encourages his 
Confederate troops onward, displaying his spoils of victory - a tin cup,  from the captured Union camp. 
My god! - the man was a leader. 

Shiloh Veterans - (2nd Regiment)Tennessee Infantry in their fading twilight

"Remember the precious stake involved; remember the dependence of your mothers, your wives, your sisters and your children on the result; remember the fair, broad, abounding land, the happy homes and the ties that would be desolated by your defeat."


Thanks To:
  • Google Images
  • Wikipedia

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