
Thursday, August 22, 2013

A Few Odd News Items (Aug)

Some funny/bizarre news from around the marble.
So over in England...or is it the United Kingdom?, or perhaps Great Britain???!!! ( which one is it? ) - a woman dislocated her jaw while trying to eat a triple-decker hamburger. Well isn't that a sign of the times...

oink oink 
 Maybe she thought she was a super hero...Snake-woman ?

It's a snake eating a sausage....pretend that the sausage is a hamburger and that the snake is a snake woman
A Chinese zoo in the city of LouheHenan province, was exposed by some of it's patrons, when a small African lion barked at them. heh heh The animal turned out to be a Tibetan Mastiff placed in
the Lion's cage. The actual lion had been  removed recently, in order for it to be part of a breeding program ( sounds like a good deal for the lion :) ) The zoo figured that the very large dog would suffice as a replacement....

sign reads: "African Lion"
Oh! I can definitely see a resemblance!

A woman from Atlanta Georgia, USA holds the world record for the longest hair, at a staggering 55 feet !!!

Usually, people with hair like this can't seem to keep it clean; and it does not look good in the least!
- plus it generally stinks. However this lady - Asha Mandela seems to take good care of it.

Asha says it was a "spiritual calling"  25 years ago, which prompted her to grow it. She credits her hair with helping her overcome cancer, strokes, and heart attacks.

The problem now is that the hair weighs 42 pounds and the weight of it has created a curvature in her spine. The doctors say that this condition could even possibly paralyze her.  

Asha says that it would kill her if she cut would make her a "zombie"

hmmm not good.... what do you think Asha should do?

Her choices are either: 


Here you see the whole video:

Thanks Also To:
  • deviantART

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