
Sunday, May 25, 2014

Odd ( The Strong ) Haugen

Odd "The Strong" Haugen 

( Born Jan,16 1950 Norway )

Doing a single handed dead-lift of a 202 lb dumbbell:


I don't know how much weight....

This guy really impresses me. It just goes to show that age does not need to be a deterrent if the will to  improve oneself through physical activity is there. 


.....neither do I know how much weight is here, but it is more than you or I can carry

He is 6'4" and 299 lbs.

Odd Haugen The Everlasting Strongman
as he looked in 2011
And here he is in the National Geographic feature:
Superhuman Strongman when he was 57 years )

No longer competing (since 2008) , Odd trains many an up-and-coming strongman, mostly right out of his house's garage in California! 

Here is a link to Odd's Facebook page: Odd Haugen
and also his own page in the Ageless Timeless site: Odd Haugen which only features exemplary athletes over the age of fifty. Here he gives an interview to Viking Strength 
Check these out for some more information about this fascinating man.

Oh!!! - one more film I just had to he is carrying 880lbs


"When Odd walks into the room, Chuck Norris gets up and leaves"

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