
Friday, September 27, 2013

A Few Odd News Items ( Sep )

Around the big blue marble, we have some unusual news stories.


In Northern India, a food vendor was shot at by an irate customer, for having not added onions to the customer's order of omelettes.

As it turns out, the vendor: Deepu Kashyap had been unable to purchase any onions for his stand, due to the rising costs of the onions.

The assailant - a known, two-bit hood, was with a group of four other men - also known to police, who upon discovering that their orders were lacking the onions, assaulted the vendor.

Fortunately, Deepu escaped unharmed..... before he was in really deep poo!
The police are close to making arrests.

Normally, at this point in the post, I would place a fantastic photo of Deepu fighting off the gangsters which would help visualize the story, but because I am using Bing at this moment ( not by choice :( ) I can only substitute with the next best thing:


A man in England who bought a small painting 10 years ago for $46, has discovered that it could be worth as much as $$$ 390,000 $$$

 Robert Darvell with his Constable landscape -- thought to be worth $390,000.

Robert Duval Darvell grins ( looking much like toothy Prince William ) a: "look at me suckers" grin, as he poses with his painting by John Constable. He bought the painting with a box of some other items, at an auction for $46. The painting has been kept in a drawer for the last ten years, until recently Darvell "rediscovered it" and noticed a faint signature on the back.
He contacted Curtis Dowling, of the British TV program: "Treasure Detectives" who in turn, embarked on a year long quest, to solve the mystery.

Darvell hopes to eventually have the painting restored and displayed.
In the mean time, it is safely tucked away in a bank vault.

hmm I know of someone who could restore the artwork.....







Thanks To:
  • VancouverDesi ( The Province Sep 25 2013 )
  • The Province ( Sep 03 2013 )
  • ( Sep 03 2013 )
  • GoogleImages

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